News Biology

Killer Whales Terrify Great Whites

In a surprising discovery, scientists have found that even great white sharks, with their average length of four meters and weight of up to 2,000

 News Technology

Simulating complex train noises.

Swiss researchers have developed a highly complex computer model that realistically predicts the noise generated by passing trains in order to minimize noise pollution near

 News Medicine

New HIV Antibody Passes Tests

Taiwanese scientists have conducted a study on the antibody UB-421, which can prevent the spread of the HIV virus. The results are promising, and if

 News Environment

Microplastics Spread Through the Air

In a remote mountain region in the French Pyrenees, researchers have discovered a surprisingly high concentration of microplastics. It appears that these small plastic particles

 News Medicine

No Increased Birth Risks with Artificial Fertilization

A recent study conducted by scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, the London School of Economics, and the University of

 News Biology

Nanoparticles Make Infrared Visible

Scientists at the University of Massachusetts Medical School and the Chinese University of Science and Technology have developed a method to alter the vision of

 News Archeology

Secret Ninja Document Found After 300 Years

Japanese researchers have made a fascinating discovery – a 300-year-old written Ninja oath. The Ninjas of ancient Japan are shrouded in mystery, and this newly

 News Environment

Detailed lightning structures captured by radio telescope.

Scientists have discovered the reason why thunderclouds often produce multiple lightning strikes. Needle-like structures are responsible for recharging the clouds after each lightning strike, allowing

 News Medicine

Revival of Brain Cells After Death

In a groundbreaking experiment, scientists at Yale School of Medicine have managed to partially revive a pig’s brain four hours after its death. Using the

 News Medicine

Human gene inserted into monkey brain

Chinese and American scientists have successfully implanted the human gene MCPH1 into the brains of Rhesus monkeys. The gene is responsible for brain development, and