News Biology

World’s largest bee still alive

In a remarkable discovery, the Wallace’s giant bee, also known as Megachile pluto, has been spotted for the first time in nearly four decades. The

 News Chemistry

Identifying High-Quality Wine Chemically

Counterfeit products are a major problem in various industries, including fashion, art, and even wine. However, researchers from the University of Natural Resources and Life

 News Environment

Climate change causes extreme floods.

The risk of flooding is increasing due to climate change, and Germany is one of the many regions in the world that is particularly vulnerable

 News Psychology

Smart, Sensitive, and Excluded Vegetarians

The number of vegetarians in Germany is increasing annually, but little research has been done on how these individuals differ from others from a psychological

 News Environment

Greenland’s Jakobshavn Glacier regrowing

The Jakobshavn Glacier in Greenland has been shrinking for years, but NASA has recently discovered that it is suddenly growing again. However, scientists believe that

 News Medicine

Alcohol in Pregnancy Harms Babies

Every year in Germany, thousands of babies are born with disabilities caused by alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Despite the well-known risks, researchers from the Institute

 News Environment

Building with Wood Benefits Climate

Wood as a building material for houses is becoming increasingly popular. This is not surprising, as it offers many practical advantages, is cheaper than other

 News Environment

Coral Reef Found off Apulian Coast

Meeresbiologists have discovered a previously unknown coral reef off the coast of southern Italy that spans over two kilometers in length. What makes this reef

 News Medicine

Rising trend: Eye laser surgery

A new meta-analysis presented at the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery’s annual meeting has found that 95% of patients who have undergone LASIK

 News Physics

Solved: 100-year-old physics puzzle

A Bachelor’s student of physics has solved a 100-year-old mystery surrounding air bubbles that appear motionless in a narrow glass tube and do not rise