News Medicine

Doctors convert cancer cells to fat

Researchers have successfully transformed cancer cells into harmless fat cells, with the added benefit that this treatment can be applied to metastases. The team led

 News Environment

Plastic pollutes our oceans.

The world’s population of around 7.5 billion people generates a significant amount of waste, with the biggest problem being the eight billion tons of plastic

 News Medicine

Home Prostate Cancer Test Without Physical Exam

A new urine test has been developed that can reliably detect prostate cancer through biomarkers, potentially replacing the need for physical examinations by doctors. The

 News Medicine

Observing Brain Activity in Artificial Mini-Brains

In a groundbreaking development, scientists at the University of California San Diego have successfully grown artificial mini-brains with functioning neural networks similar to those of

 News Medicine

Crispr Cures HIV-Infected Mice

A new treatment method combining antiviral drugs and the gene-editing tool Crispr may soon offer hope for a cure for HIV-infected individuals. Researchers at the

 News Technology

New hydrogen train replaces diesel

A new hydrogen-powered train, known as the Hydrail, has been unveiled in Ludwigshafen, Germany. The train, manufactured by Alstom, is designed to replace traditional diesel

 News Medicine

Fish Bacteria: New Antibiotic Source

Scientists in the United States have discovered substances in fish mucus that can combat numerous antibiotic-resistant pathogens. One bacterium found in the mucus of Pacific

 News Economics

30% of Germans Use Mobile Payment

Mobile payment is slowly gaining popularity in Germany, with around 30% of Germans having used it at least once, according to a recent Bitkom survey.

 News Medicine

New hair growth with cell transplantation.

Scientists in the United States have developed an alternative approach to hair transplantation that involves transplanting cells under the scalp instead of hair. For many

 News Chemistry

Mercury removed from water using process

A new chemical process has been developed by Swedish researchers that can remove even the smallest amounts of mercury from water using platinum electrodes. Mercury