News Medicine

Brain Boost: Injection vs Exercise

A new study from the University of Queensland has found that a specific blood component, when injected, can lead to regenerative and cognitive improvements in

 News Environment

Deep-sea mining threatens unknown species.

The Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ) in the Pacific Ocean may soon become a site for deep-sea mining. However, a recent study has revealed that thousands of

 News Environment

Can Germany Feed Itself?

Germany Imports Majority of its Food: Study Shows Self-Sufficiency Possible with Reduced Meat Consumption Germany imports a significant portion of its food, but a new

 News Technology

3D-printed toilet stays clean

A new material has been developed that prevents dirt from sticking to toilet bowls, potentially reducing water consumption from flushing. According to scientific estimates, flushing

 News Medicine

Worm-based vaccine lowers diabetes risk.

A new study conducted by researchers at James Cook University in Australia has found that a vaccination with live worms can positively affect metabolism and

 News Medicine

Bone Health: Meat vs. Legumes?

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Helsinki has investigated whether legumes can replace meat in terms of protein intake and bone

 News Biology

Coral Adapts to Rising Temperatures

Palau’s coral reefs in the Pacific have adapted to climate change and higher water temperatures, but the threat of bleaching can only be prevented by

 News Medicine

Big Breasts = Less Exercise Desire

A recent study conducted by Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia, has found that women with smaller breasts tend to be more physically active and satisfied

 News Chemistry

Organic Electrode Air Battery Works

In a groundbreaking development, researchers at Waseda University in Japan have successfully tested a prototype of a solid-state air battery. This new battery technology is

 News Economics

Germany misses electric car targets

Germany Aims for 15 Million Electric Cars by 2030, but Experts Say It’s Unrealistic Germany’s federal government has set a target of having 15 million