News Astronomy

Aliens Could Respond Today

In August 1983, astronomers sent a message to the star Altair in hopes of contacting extraterrestrial life. Today, there is a possibility that a response

 News Economics

AI forces millions to reskill.

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in companies is rapidly increasing, and according to a recent study by the IBM Institute for Business Value (IBV),

 News Medicine

Forgetfulness: Brain’s Useful Function

Forgetting memories is not a mistake, but a special form of learning. According to a study by Trinity College Dublin, the brain could delete memories

 News Chemistry

Water-based low-calorie butter alternative

A new alternative to butter has been developed by researchers at Cornell University in the United States. The alternative, which is made mostly of water,

 News Physics

Physicists Confirm Pine’s Demon Phenomenon

Physicists have experimentally confirmed the Pines’ demon phenomenon, a state that occurs when electrons of a metal form a neutral, massless plasmon. The Pines’ demon

 News Astronomy

Record-breaking Brown Dwarf Hotter than Sun

A new discovery in the world of astronomy has broken records and captured the attention of scientists and space enthusiasts alike. Researchers at the Weizmann

 News Psychology

Radicalization of Conspiracy Believers Online

The spread of conspiracy theories has become increasingly prevalent on social media platforms. Researchers have identified four stages of radicalization that occur as a result.

 News Environment

99.9% Microplastic Removal with Holzstaubfilter

A recent study by the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) has revealed that oceans contain more microplastics than previously thought. These tiny plastic particles, which are

 News Archeology

Skull Modifications in Japan

In Japan, it has been discovered that intentional skull modifications were performed on children in the Hirota culture between the 3rd and 7th centuries AD.

 News Medicine

Gene Therapy Cures Alcohol Addiction

A groundbreaking gene therapy that involves implanting a virus into the brain can reduce alcohol consumption in heavy drinkers to almost zero. This treatment could