News Psychology

The Power of Evil: Understanding Human Behavior

In a groundbreaking experiment over 50 years ago, psychologist Stanley Milgram sought to determine the difference between free will and obedience. The study made headlines

 News Technology

Revolutionary 1,000-Core Processor Runs on Single AA Battery

The image of electric cars as slow, small vehicles with limited range is outdated. Today, engineers are competing to create the fastest electric race cars.

 News Medicine

Researchers cure MS patients.

In a groundbreaking development, researchers have successfully cured patients of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) for the first time. However, the process involved completely destroying the patient’s

 News Physics

Colliding Light Particles: A Discovery

In a groundbreaking discovery, physicists at CERN in Geneva have reported that the elusive elastic collision of photons may soon be observed. Until now, it

 News Medicine

Multiple Sclerosis Linked to Genes

In a breakthrough discovery, a Canadian research team has identified a gene mutation that is the direct cause of multiple sclerosis (MS), a neurological disease

 News Medicine

Universal Cancer Vaccine on Horizon

German researchers may have made a breakthrough in the fight against cancer with the help of a vaccine. Every year, 224,000 people in Germany die

 News Technology

Air to Water: Bottle Magic

Fontus Ario: A Revolutionary Water Bottle Fontus Ario is a bottle-shaped container that fills itself with drinkable water through condensation. This innovative gadget is not

 News Technology

Customize Your Sneakers with App

In a groundbreaking development, researchers at the University of California have created the world’s first 1,000-core processor. This processor is capable of executing 1.78 trillion

 News Economics

Island to strip banks of money creation rights

The Icelandic government is considering a revolutionary proposal that would see only central banks allowed to create money. The idea, known as the Sovereign Money

 News Medicine

Delaying Retirement Boosts Life Expectancy

A recent study from the United States has found that working longer can actually lead to a longer life. The study focused on the transition