News Archeology

Skull Modifications in Japan

In Japan, it has been discovered that intentional skull modifications were performed on children in the Hirota culture between the 3rd and 7th centuries AD.

 News Medicine

Gene Therapy Cures Alcohol Addiction

A groundbreaking gene therapy that involves implanting a virus into the brain can reduce alcohol consumption in heavy drinkers to almost zero. This treatment could

 News Medicine

Preserved Antibodies in Human Teeth

Groundbreaking research conducted by scientists at the University of Nottingham has revealed that stable antibodies capable of fighting viruses can be found in human teeth

 News Medicine

Milk lowers human cholesterol levels.

Regular milk drinkers have lower cholesterol levels and a lower risk of heart disease than those who do not drink milk, according to a new

 News Medicine

Effective Relief for Flu Symptoms

Natural bioactive molecules have been found to effectively alleviate cold and flu symptoms by restoring mucosal immunity. According to a study presented at the American

 News Environment

Wealthy households drive CO2 emissions.

Wealthy individuals are responsible for disproportionately high levels of CO2 emissions, with investments being the main culprit. As such, experts suggest shifting towards an income

 News Archeology

Hexagonal Pyramid Found in Kazakh Steppe

A mysterious hexagonal stone pyramid from the Bronze Age has been discovered in Kazakhstan. The structure is extremely precise and unique in the Eurasian steppes.

 News Biology

Europe’s ancient humans wiped out by extreme cold

New evidence suggests that an extreme cold spell occurred in Southern Europe during the early Pleistocene, leading to the depopulation of the area around 1.1

 News Biology

20-Armed Sea Creature Found Deep-Sea

A new marine creature with tentacle-like arms has been discovered in the depths of the Antarctic sea. The organism uses its extremities for both movement

 News Chemistry

Revolutionary Chemical Method for Plastic Recycling

A new chemical recycling process has been developed that efficiently breaks down plastic into its original monomer molecules, which can then be used to produce