News Medicine

Vitamin K deficiency and lung problems

A recent study conducted by the University of Copenhagen has found that individuals with a Vitamin K deficiency are more likely to suffer from lung-related

 News Medicine

Milk vs. Plant-Based: Healthier Option?

Plant-based milk alternatives have been gaining popularity in recent years, with many people opting for them as a healthier and more ethical alternative to traditional

 News Medicine

Teenage Gastric Bypass Harms Bones

The popular weight loss surgery, sleeve gastrectomy, has been found to decrease bone strength in adolescents, leading to potential health risks and increased fracture risk

 News Medicine

Lab-made enamel replaces lost teeth.

Researchers at the University of Washington have made a significant breakthrough in the regeneration of teeth. Using stem cells, they have produced organoids that can

 News Medicine

Oral hygiene affects brain health.

Poor oral hygiene has been linked to brain shrinkage, according to a study by researchers at Tohoku University in Japan. The study, published in the

 News Environment

Rich Compensate Poor’s Energy Consumption

A reduction in energy consumption is essential in the fight against climate change. However, this poses a social problem as low-income households cannot afford to

 News Medicine

New approach to combat resistant bacteria

A new class of molecules has been discovered that inhibits the efflux pump of bacteria, potentially leading to new antibiotics that work against multi-resistant bacteria.

 News Environment

Global Forest Fires Revealed by ESA

The European Space Agency (ESA) has developed an interactive tool called the World Fire Atlas that tracks global wildfires and their progression over time. The

 News Economics

Climate change requires aid for developing countries.

The global economy may experience slower growth than previously anticipated, according to recent forecasts. This could have significant implications for efforts to combat climate change

 News Economics

Linking Retirement Age to Life Expectancy

The idea of linking the retirement age to life expectancy has been proposed by an economist in Germany, as people are living longer. The CDU