News Geology

Sahara Desert Older Than Thought

The Sahara desert is the largest sand desert on Earth, covering an approximate area of 9.4 million square kilometers. Recently, scientists from the Bjerknes Centre

 News Medicine

Sweetener Increases Diabetes Risk

New research from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, has shown that artificial sweeteners such as saccharin and aspartame can increase blood sugar

 News Biology

The Uniqueness of Human Faces

The Uniqueness of the Human Face: A Study by Michael Sheehan The human face has remained unique since the time of the Neanderthals, according to

 News Physics

Electron Spin Affects Molecule Decay

A recent study published in Physical Review Letters has supported the Vester-Ulbricht hypothesis, which was first proposed over 60 years ago. The hypothesis suggests that

 News Technology

Capturing Lost Light in Photography

In a groundbreaking experiment involving frequency-dependent phase shifting, scientists have successfully captured an image of an object without direct illumination. Led by Austrian physicist Anton

 News Environment

Gadolinium found in drinking water

Germany’s groundwater is becoming increasingly contaminated, with the concentration of wastewater-dependent substances in groundwater near rivers and lakes on the rise. Studies conducted by the

 News Technology

Liquid Core Pressure-Sensitive Displays

In a groundbreaking development, American researchers have successfully created a new cloaking device that can make objects appear invisible from multiple angles without distorting the

 News Technology

Camera Films 4 Trillion Frames/Sec

In a groundbreaking experiment involving frequency-dependent phase shifting, scientists have successfully captured an image of an object without direct illumination. Led by Austrian physicist Anton

 News Medicine

Artificial spleen filters blood pathogens.

A new medical device that functions similarly to the spleen may soon be used to treat blood poisoning. Developed by Donald Ingber and his colleagues

 News Biology

Microbes Affect Behavior and Mood

Parasites: The Invisible Enemy Within The size of an enemy often determines the level of fear and the anticipation of defeat. However, what if the