News Archeology

Neanderthal Decorated His Cave

The latest discoveries in Gibraltar are shifting the knowledge that archaeologists have about cave art. It turns out that the Neanderthals decorated their caves with

 News Biology

Teaching Fish to Walk: Biologists’ Experiment

In a groundbreaking experiment, biologists at the University of Ottawa have successfully raised Polypterus fish, also known as bichirs or ropefish, on land for eight

 News Medicine

Prevent Asthma and Allergies with Animal Fur

A recent study conducted by German researchers has confirmed that babies who sleep on animal fur are less likely to develop asthma and allergies later

 News Biology

Mystery of Deep-Sea Species

Mysterious Mushroom-Shaped Creatures Found in Deep Sea In a recent discovery, researchers have found two pilzförmige (mushroom-shaped) creatures in the deep sea that cannot be

 News Biology

Bacteria Feed on Electrons

In a groundbreaking discovery, microbiologists from the University of Southern California have found a new form of life – bacteria that feed solely on electrons.

 News Biology

Four-winged Dinosaurs

In China, paleontologists have discovered the largest dinosaur with four wings to date. The dinosaur, named Changyuraptor, has the longest tail feathers of all known

 News Medicine

Generate, Delete, and Restore Thoughts

In a groundbreaking experiment, American scientists have successfully created, erased, restored, and manipulated memories in rats. This research is seen as a major breakthrough in

 News Medicine

Cannabis Reduces Tumor Growth

British scientists have confirmed that the cannabis compound Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) can be used as a therapy against tumor growth. The plant has been found to

 News Environment

Mystery Atmospheric Phenomenon Discovered

In a groundbreaking discovery, Dr. Markus Rex, an ozone specialist and scientist, and his international research team have uncovered an unknown atmospheric phenomenon. They have

 News Environment

Record-breaking UV radiation in Bolivia

In a shocking discovery, a team of researchers from the United States and Germany have reported that the highest level of UV radiation ever recorded