News Medicine

Dangerous Synthetic Vitamins in Cereal

A new report from the American environmental and consumer organization, Environmental Working Group (EWG), has revealed that breakfast cereals, bars, and similar products containing synthetically

 News Technology

JIBO: The Social Robot for Families

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is set to release a new family robot named JIBO by the end of 2015. Developed by Professor Cynthia

 News Psychology

Passenger’s Sleep is Contagious

A new study by sleep researchers has found that passengers on long car journeys should make an effort to stay awake. If the passenger falls

 News Environment

Fracking pollutes more than groundwater

Fracking, the process of extracting natural gas, has become a controversial issue in the United States. While it is an effective method, it also poses

 News Biology

New Wasp Species Found in China

German researchers have discovered a new species of wasp in China with a peculiar behavior, adding to the list of known species. Michael Staab and

 News Physics

Ultra-Black Material Absorbs All Light

The Kepler Conjecture, proposed by German astronomer and mathematician Johannes Kepler in 1611, states that there is no more efficient way to stack spherical objects

 News Archeology

Maya Relief Unearthed in Guatemala

Archaeologists have made a remarkable discovery in a ruined city in northern Guatemala. They have found a Maya artwork that is around 1,400 years old,

 News Environment

Decline in Birds from Toxic Pesticides

The use of toxic pesticides, such as neonicotinoids, has been found to be responsible for the decline of many bird species, according to Dutch researchers.

 News Medicine

One Neuron for Every Face

The ability to recognize faces is different from simply seeing them with our eyes. While we use visual perception for information input, familiar faces are

 News Biology

Theoretical Immortality of Yeast Cells

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute have made a remarkable discovery about a type of yeast that can rejuvenate with every cell division, making it