News Psychology

Little Kids Don’t Learn Language by Parroting

New research from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia has revealed that young children learn language in a much more creative way than previously thought.

 News Medicine

Sleep deprivation alters DNA.

Sleep deprivation can have a significant impact on our health, according to a recent study by scientists at the University of Surrey in England. The

 News Medicine

Scientists develop HIV vaccine.

Spanish researchers have developed a new vaccine against the dangerous and previously incurable immune deficiency disease, AIDS. The HIV vaccine is well-tolerated and could reliably

 News Technology

Eco-Friendly Underwater Adhesive Created

South Korean scientists have developed a new method for reversible underwater adhesion using the water-repellent properties of two molecules that can connect and separate like

 News Geology

New continent named Mauritia discovered.

Scientists have developed a new method for detecting gold in the earth’s crust using X-rays. The technique, called Gamma Activation Analysis (GAA), involves bombarding rock

 News Environment

Atlantic’s CO2 absorption declining

The Atlantic Ocean’s buffering effect on carbon dioxide (CO2) is weakening due to a slowdown in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), according to a

 News Medicine

Instant Sobriety with Nanocapsules

In a groundbreaking discovery, American researchers have found a way to become completely sober within seconds. By administering various enzymes that immediately destroy alcohol in

 News Medicine

Brain Pacemaker Aids Parkinson’s Patients

A new hope for Parkinson’s patients has emerged in the form of a brain implant. For many patients, brain stimulation is proving to be more

 News Technology

JuQueen Supercomputer aids scientists

Europe’s most powerful supercomputer, JuQueen, has been inaugurated at the Jülich Research Center. With a processing power of 5.9 petaflops, or nearly six quadrillion operations

 News Psychology

Decline in Performance after Elementary School Segregation

A new study from Bavaria has found that dividing students into Hauptschule or Realschule after fourth grade leads to a decline in academic performance. The