News Medicine

Critical Temperature: When is it too hot for humans?

New research from the University of Roehampton has revealed that the upper critical temperature (UCT) of humans is likely to be between 40 and 50

 News Medicine

Fast food chain vending machines pose health risks.

Bacteria, including dangerous strains of Salmonella spp (Salmonella), Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Escherichia coli (E. coli), are often found in drinks from popular fast-food chain vending

 News Psychology

Phone Distraction: Affects Concentration

Japanese psychologists have discovered in an experiment that the mere sight of a mobile phone disrupts concentration. Researchers previously believed that active use of mobile

 News Medicine

Plant Proteins Protect Kidneys

A higher intake of plant-based proteins, such as those found in plant-based meat alternatives, significantly reduces the risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD). As meat

 News Technology

Wind Farm Powers 80,000 Homes

Wind Catching Systems, a Norwegian company, has designed an offshore wind farm that can generate electricity for 80,000 households. The innovative turbine design consists of

 News Economics

German Job Applicants Often Lie

A recent study conducted by has revealed that over half of German job applicants have lied on their resumes. The study surveyed 3,000 participants

 News Medicine

Cannabis Eases Cancer Pain

Medical Cannabis Helps Reduce Cancer Pain and Medication Intake A recent study conducted by scientists at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, has found that medical

 News Medicine

Low-Carb Diet Increases Mortality Risk

A recent study published in the Journal of Internal Medicine has found that a low-carbohydrate diet can significantly increase mortality rates in the long term.

 News Psychology

Decline in Media Trust in Germany

The trust in media in Germany has slightly decreased, but it remains at a higher level than before Covid-19. According to a study by the

 News Physics

Harvesting Electricity from Air with Nanoporous Materials

A groundbreaking discovery by a team of engineers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) has revealed that nanopores smaller than 100 nanometers in diameter