News Medicine

Preservatives increase risk of type 2 diabetes

The use of nitrites as preservatives in food significantly increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, according to a study by scientists at Sorbonne University.

 News Technology

E-Fuel Research Facility in Germany

The German Aerospace Center (DLR) is researching how to produce electric-based liquid fuels (E-Fuels) on an industrial scale. This comes as the European Union (EU)

 News Geology

Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved?

The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil’s Triangle, has been the subject of numerous conspiracy theories due to the disappearance of over 50 ships

 News Medicine

New Anxiety Suppression Gene Found

A breakthrough discovery has been made in the treatment of anxiety disorders. Scientists at the University of Bristol have identified a gene that regulates anxiety

 News Technology

Sulfur as Solar Energy Storage

Solar technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, with small solar panels found on rooftops, garages, and even in watches and calculators.

 News Economics

Yale Professor suggests senior mass suicide

A Yale professor has suggested a mass suicide for seniors in Japan as a solution to the country’s aging population and high risk of poverty

 News Economics

Money Brings Happiness After All

A new study has challenged the long-held belief that higher income does not necessarily equate to greater happiness. Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania have

 News Medicine

Scientists reconstruct video from retina signals.

Austrian researchers have successfully reconstructed a video from retina signals of rats, using signals from 100 neurons to produce remarkably accurate results. The Institute of

 News Economics

Gender Bias in German Job Market

Women in Germany earn significantly lower incomes than men on average, according to a study by the Federal Employment Agency (BA). The study found that

 News Medicine

Harmful Nanoparticles in Food Colors

A recent study conducted by researchers from Cornell University and Binghamton University has revealed that metal oxide nanoparticles, commonly used in food coloring, may negatively