News Astronomy

Stunning James Webb Space Telescope Shots

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has been capturing stunning images of the universe since its first image was released a year ago. This unprecedented

 News Biology

Double the Size: Pliosaurs vs Orcas

A recent discovery in a museum in England has challenged the previous assumption that Pliosaurs, a type of marine reptile, were only about six meters

 News Environment

Future Fridays’ Instant Traffic Plan

The transportation and building sectors in Germany have exceeded their annual emission limits set by the Climate Protection Act (KSG) in 2022. As a result,

 News Biology

Soybeans Taste Like Pork

Moolec Science, a start-up company, has developed a new method to give plant-based proteins the taste of meat. The company has genetically integrated pig proteins

 News Biology

New gene scissors from Fanzor proteins discovered

Scientists have discovered a new gene-editing tool that is more precise and avoids side effects. The tool is based on Fanzor proteins, which are found

 News Environment

White Special Paint Halts Climate Change

A white special paint that reflects 98 percent of sunlight and infrared heat could potentially stop climate change. Researchers from the University in West Lafayette

 News Environment

Ocean Colors Changing Due to Climate Change

Satellite images have revealed that climate change is affecting phytoplankton in global oceans, leading to changes in their color. This could make the marine CO2

 News Medicine

Microplastics in Contact Lenses: Eye Danger

A new study by scientists at Nanjing University has found that contact lenses can release microplastic particles into the eyes when exposed to sunlight. The

 News Medicine

Cannabis Linked to Vascular Disease

Cannabis Use Linked to Increased Risk of Peripheral Arterial Disease A recent study presented at the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions (SCAI) annual meeting

 News Biology

Endless Lab Meat from Immortal Cells

Labor meat, also known as in-vitro meat, could be the key to sustainable food production for the growing world population. However, the production process requires