News Biology

Are Fish Getting Smaller Due to Climate Change?

A recent study conducted over 24 years in a warm coastal bay has examined the impact of climate change on fish growth. According to an

 News Astronomy

Universe may be twice as old

A new study suggests that the universe may be twice as old as previously thought. This is supported by stars like Methuselah, which appear to

 News Astronomy

Oldest stars in Milky Way observed.

Astronomers have made surprising observations while creating the most comprehensive collection of old stars from the center of the Milky Way. Some stars that were

 News Biology

Primate and Human Gambling Similarities

A recent study discussed in the Italian press has examined the economic and risk-taking behavior of primates. Researchers Francesca De Petrillo and Alexandra G. Rosati

 News Medicine

Cocaine disrupts brain’s happiness receptors.

Cocaine is one of the most popular drugs in the world, causing short-term euphoria but long-term disruption to the brain’s ability to experience happiness. A

 News Psychology

Effective Self-Praise: Competent, Not Arrogant

Psychologists at Vanderbilt University have conducted a series of experiments to determine the best way for people to showcase their competence without coming across as

 News Astronomy

Are the USA using asteroids as space weapons?

The United States may be considering the use of asteroids as weapons, according to Russian experts. The recent DART mission was seen as a practice

 News Psychology

The Power of Anger: Beneficial or Harmful?

A recent study conducted by researchers at Texas A&M University has explored the potential benefits of anger as an emotion. According to the theory in

 News Chemistry

Paracetamol from waste byproduct

The pharmaceutical industry has long been known for its negative impact on the environment, with many medications relying on crude oil as a key ingredient.

 News Archeology

Mystery of Giant Hand Axe

Archaeologists in England have discovered a 300,000-year-old giant hand axe, which has left them puzzled. The Acheulian technology was used by Homo erectus, Homo heidelbergensis,