News Astronomy

Impossible Exoplanet Discovered

In a surprising discovery, astronomers have found an exoplanet, named Halla or 8 Ursae Minoris b, that defies the conventional wisdom that planets are swallowed

 News Astronomy

NASA Launches Analog Mars Mission

NASA has launched its analog Mars mission, Crew Health and Performance Exploration Analog (Chapea), to simulate life on the Red Planet. The mission will last

 News Medicine

Hairy Moles for Hair Loss

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of California has found a potential link between hairy moles and hair loss. The study focused

 News Technology

Lightning-fast Computing: Microsoft’s Optical Computer

Microsoft has developed an optical computer that can process data at the speed of light. Unlike traditional binary computers, the Analog Iterative Machine (AIM) uses

 News Technology

Living animals used as robot parts.

In a groundbreaking development, researchers from Yamagata, Keio, and Tohoku universities in Japan have used living beetles and pill bugs as grippers for a robot.

 News Economics

Education Level in Germany Declines

The education level in Germany has significantly declined in recent years, and school tests indicate that the problem is likely to continue. While the average

 News Psychology

Stress-prone personality types

A recent study conducted by researchers at Emory University has shed light on why some individuals are more susceptible to believing in conspiracy theories. The

 News Astronomy

10th Planet Possibly in Solar System

A tenth planet may be lurking in our solar system, according to calculations by researchers at the University of Bordeaux. The planet is believed to

 News Medicine

Gender and ethnicity affect taste perception.

New research has found that the taste preferences of Asian and Caucasian people differ significantly. These findings could help the food industry to develop and

 News Astronomy

ESA Telescope Searches for Dark Matter

The European Space Agency’s Euclid telescope is set to be launched into space by a Falcon-9 rocket from SpaceX. The mission aims to provide new