News Biology

Ocean Insect Population Decline

Insects are known to make up the majority of the biomass of all land animals. However, despite their abundance on land, they are surprisingly scarce

 News Technology

Rolls-Royce tests largest aircraft engine

Rolls-Royce has successfully tested the world’s largest aircraft engine, the Ultrafan, which is significantly more efficient and quieter than current engines. The Ultrafan was first

 News Chemistry

Alcohol Residue Enhances Pork Flavor

The meat of pigs fed with Shochu residues has a better taste, according to a recent study by the University of Tokyo in collaboration with

 News Astronomy

Asteroid Threat: Global Danger Ahead?

In recent years, the field of astronomy has identified 854 asteroids in close proximity to Earth that could potentially cause catastrophic damage to our planet.

 News Medicine

Parkinson’s Trigger Discovered

Parkinson’s disease, a degenerative disorder that causes a continuous loss of nerve cells in the brain, has affected over six million people worldwide. Unfortunately, there

 News Environment

Tasty Meat Alternative: Mealworms

Insects have been touted as a sustainable protein source for the future, but many people are put off by the idea of eating bugs. However,

 News Medicine

Internet reduces dementia risk in seniors.

Seniors who regularly use the internet have a significantly lower risk of developing dementia, according to a study by the New York University. The study

 News Economics

The Hidden Costs of Plant-Based Meat

Plant-based meat can significantly reduce the environmental damage caused by agriculture. However, this shift has hidden costs that have been largely overlooked. According to a

 News Technology

Start-up to Build Batteries on Seabed

Ocean Grazer, a Dutch start-up, has developed an environmentally friendly energy storage system that utilizes dam technology to store excess electricity generated by offshore wind

 News Biology

Hungry Plant Turns Carnivorous

The Triphyophyllum peltatum, also known as the Dreifaltigblatt, is a plant that typically undergoes photosynthesis but can transform into a carnivorous plant. Researchers from the