News Astronomy

NASA’s Lucy Probe Reveals Jupiter’s Secrets

The NASA spacecraft Lucy has recently completed its first test flight, passing by the asteroid Dinkinesh. This marks a significant milestone in the exploration of

 News Environment

Farming for Climate Change Solution

The Earth’s atmosphere currently has the highest concentration of CO? in a million years, according to data from the American Meteorological Society. However, natural rock

 News Medicine

Alcohol Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease

Alcohol consumption has been linked to a variety of health issues, including an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease. A recent study conducted by researchers at

 News Biology

Unique Deep-Sea Bacteria Reproduction Discovered

A new species of bacteria has been discovered in the deep sea that possesses a unique method of reproduction and releases viruses to accelerate its

 News Medicine

The Myth of “Beautiful Drinking”

Alcohol has long been known as a social lubricant, but recent research has shown that it can also affect our social perception. Beyond the physical

 News Medicine

High Heavy Metal Levels in Cannabis Consumers

Cannabis consumers have significantly higher levels of lead in their blood compared to non-users, according to a recent study by researchers at Columbia University Mailman

 News Chemistry

Optimizing CO2 Capture with Electrochemical Cell

A new method for carbon dioxide (CO?) capture has been developed by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The new technique uses an

 News Medicine

Modern Diet Causes Overeating

The Protein Leverage Theory suggests that the high fat and carbohydrate content in many foods contributes to the development of obesity. According to this theory,

 News Archeology

Climate Change Caused Violence in Antiquity

The impact of climate change on violence in the Andean highlands during ancient times has been revealed by a new study. The research highlights the

 News Economics

Record high car density in Germany.

Germany Sets New Record for Car Ownership Germany has reached a new record for car ownership, with 583 cars per 1,000 people registered in 2022,