News Astronomy

Dark Moon Craters Captured Sans Sunlight

NASA Camera Captures Images of Moon Craters in Shadow NASA has recently released images of moon craters and other objects that are not directly illuminated

 News Medicine

Opening Blood-Brain Barrier with Ultrasound

A breakthrough in cancer treatment has been made by scientists at Northwestern University in the US, who have developed a method of temporarily opening the

 News Technology

Future Autobahn Designed with Supraleaders

Revolutionary Autobahn Concept: Supraleitende Magnetspulen und Wasserstofftransport Imagine traveling from Munich to Hamburg in just 80 minutes, with cars autonomously driving at speeds of up

 News Technology

Ultra-light Electric Car Weighs 65kg

The Technische Universität München (TUM) students have developed an energy-efficient electric car, muc023, to compete in the Shell Eco Marathon. The TUfast Eco group has

 News Medicine

New Lung Cancer Risk Factor Found

A new study has found that disrupted circadian rhythms, or biological clocks, may increase the risk of developing lung cancer. While smoking is a well-known

 News Chemistry

New electrolysis process produces hydrogen from saltwater.

A breakthrough in electrolysis technology has been achieved by scientists at Tianjin University, who have developed a method for producing hydrogen from salty seawater with

 News Astronomy

NASA’s New Super Alloy Lasts 1,000x Longer

NASA and Ohio State University have collaborated to develop a new alloy for aircraft and spacecraft components that is significantly more durable even at extreme

 News Technology

Lego 3D printer creates human tissue.

A team of researchers from the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at Cardiff University has developed a 3D bio-printer made entirely out of Lego

 News Physics

Efficient Mini Fusion Reactor Developed

Israeli start-up NT-TAO has announced the development of a container-sized fusion reactor that is expected to be a million times more efficient than current fusion

 News Technology

Green ammonia production near Greenland

Greenland to Get First Commercial Wind Farm for Green Ammonia Production Greenland is set to receive its first commercial wind farm to produce electricity for