News Environment

China Builds Mega Renewable Energy Plant

China has taken a significant step towards achieving its goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2060 with the launch of a massive combined solar and

 News Archeology

Maya Calendar Mystery Solved

Maya civilization is renowned for its astronomical knowledge, which they used to create three different calendars. One of these calendars, the K’awill, was 819 days

 News Psychology

AfD voters believe in conspiracies

More than a third of Germans believe in conspiracy theories, according to a study by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. The study found that AfD voters

 News Medicine

Car Noise Increases Risk of Anxiety and Depression

A recent study commissioned by the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) has found that exposure to constant traffic noise can increase the risk of anxiety

 News Medicine

Reverse Aging Process Quickly

Aging is a natural process that affects all living beings, and humans are no exception. However, recent research has shown that the biological age of

 News Technology

Germany aims for quantum technology leadership.

Germany has announced a new action plan for quantum technologies, which includes a €3 billion funding program aimed at securing the country’s place at the

 News Astronomy

First Photo of Black Hole with Jet

A group of radio telescopes has come together to create a virtual antenna the size of the Earth, capturing a joint image of the M87

 News Technology

Revolutionary Concept for Longer Emissions-Free Flights

Innovation in the aviation industry has been a hot topic for years, with a particular focus on reducing emissions and increasing efficiency. However, one major

 News Astronomy

Astrobiologists call for space sex debates.

The growing space tourism industry is bringing more and more people into space, prompting astrobiologists to call for a debate on sex and reproduction in

 News Astronomy

Supernovae: More Dangerous Than Thought

A recent study by NASA scientists has revealed that supernovae, or exploding stars, pose a greater threat to life on nearby planets than previously thought.