News Astronomy

Astrobiologists call for space sex debates.

The growing space tourism industry is bringing more and more people into space, prompting astrobiologists to call for a debate on sex and reproduction in

 News Economics

Germans Satisfied with Democracy Despite Crises

Despite numerous crises in recent years, satisfaction with democracy in Germany has increased, according to a study by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), which is close to

 News Economics

German households own €316,500

The Covid-19 pandemic has contributed to a record high in the net worth of German households, reaching €316,500, according to a study by the Deutsche

 News Physics

Quantum Simulation Reveals New Hydrogen Structure

Physicists from the University of Illinois in Urbana have discovered a new structure of hydrogen that was previously unknown in both theoretical models and experiments.

 News Technology

New Efficiency Record for Tandem Solar Cells

A new efficiency record has been set by a tandem solar cell based on silicon and perovskite. Tandem solar cells are made up of two

 News Biology

Tully Monster Mystery Solved?

The Tully-Monster, an ancient creature that lived 300 million years ago, has long been a mystery to scientists. Discovered in the 1950s in the Mazon

 News Astronomy

Universe Becoming More Hostile to Life

In the early universe, planets with dense ozone layers could form, providing protection for the atmosphere and serving as a prerequisite for complex life. However,

 News Psychology

AI aids smokers in quitting

A new smartphone app with artificial intelligence (AI) has been developed to help people quit smoking by providing individual interventions during trigger situations. Researchers at

 News Economics

Electric cars cheaper than gas.

Electric cars are more cost-effective than combustion engine vehicles over their entire lifespan, despite their higher purchase costs. This is especially true when the vehicles

 News Economics

Cars cause majority of external costs

Cars are responsible for a significant portion of the external costs of road transport. The only way to significantly reduce the costs borne by society