News Astronomy

New AI system detects potential alien signals.

A new artificial intelligence (AI) has identified eight radio signals that do not match any known earthly or astronomical radio source. It is possible that

 News Biology

Cloning Super Cows for Double Milk

China has successfully cloned “super cows” that produce twice as much milk as regular cows. The country plans to breed a large herd of these

 News Medicine

New Tick Virus Spreading in Europe

Tick-borne Alongshan virus (ALSV) was first discovered in China in 2017. Recently, the virus has been detected in Germany for the first time. ALSV is

 News Medicine

Vegetarians at Higher Risk of Hip Fractures

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Leeds has found that vegetarians are more likely to suffer from hip fractures than those

 News Chemistry

Improving Thermoelectric Materials with Synthetic Crystal

A synthetic crystal based on copper has been developed, which allows for the production of new thermoelectric materials that can efficiently and affordably generate electrical

 News Environment

Endless Recyclable Plastic from Bacteria

In a groundbreaking development, researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have successfully modified E. coli bacteria to produce a type of bioplastic that can

 News Environment

NASA animation reveals Earth’s CO2 emissions

NASA Visualizations Show Earth’s CO2 Emissions and Sources The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has reported that the concentration of CO2 in the Earth’s

 News Environment

Stockholm’s New Wooden Neighborhood

The construction industry is one of the biggest contributors to global CO2 emissions, accounting for 38% of the total. To combat this, a new climate-neutral

 News Economics

High Rents Overburden German Households

The cost of renting a home in Germany has been on the rise in recent years, with millions of households struggling to keep up. According

 News Medicine

Cannabis and Weight Loss: Explained

A recent study has found that despite the common “munchies” effect associated with cannabis consumption, regular users of the drug tend to have lower body