News Geology

Dual Layers in Earth’s Mantle Convection

New ultrahigh-precision measurements have revealed that convection in the Earth’s mantle occurs in two separate layers. This means that the lower mantle could contain ancient

 News Technology

Largest Electric Container Ship Launched

Belgian Start-up Quadvelo has recently unveiled a new hybrid vehicle that combines the features of a bicycle and a car. The Quadvelo has been in

 News Medicine

Young Blood Extends Life

A groundbreaking experiment with mice has shown that the blood of young animals can reset the “life clock” of older mice. Similar treatments for humans

 News Economics

Top Global State Rankings

A well-functioning state is often associated with democracy and citizen rights. However, a recent study conducted by Theresa Paola Stawski, a political scientist at Julius-Maximilians-Universität

 News Psychology

Why People Believe in Conspiracies?

A recent study by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V. (FES) revealed that in Germany, supporters of the far-right party AfD are more likely to believe in conspiracy

 News Psychology

Genetic Link Between Cannabis and Mental Illness

A groundbreaking meta-study conducted by the University of Minnesota has discovered unexpected connections between personality traits and cognitive abilities in humans. The study, which involved

 News Astronomy

Satellite Ferry: A Start-up Innovation

A new system developed by start-up Outpost aims to bring retired satellites back to Earth for refurbishment and reuse. Satellites typically have a lifespan of

 News Archeology

Viking Silver Treasure Found in Sweden

In a former Viking settlement near Stockholm, archaeologists have discovered a silver treasure that is around 1,000 years old. The coins bear witness to the

 News Physics

First Experimental Observation of Quantum Tunneling

In the quantum world, atoms can overcome impenetrable barriers through a phenomenon known as the quantum mechanical tunnel effect. For the first time, this effect

 News Biology

Single-celled organisms consume viruses

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers have found that some single-celled organisms use viruses as their primary source of food, a phenomenon known as virovory. While