News Archeology

Israel Shares Rare Islamic Texts

Israel has made a remarkable contribution to the world by making numerous ancient Islamic texts available on an online platform. The collection of around 2,500

 News Archeology

Mapping Ancient Roman City with Ground Radar

Archaeologists from the University of Cambridge have used ground-penetrating radar to create a detailed map of the ancient Roman city of Falerii Novi. The technique

 News Archeology

17th Century Metal Coffin Unearthed

A strange metal container was discovered by workers during excavation for a residential building in Litzlberg, Austria. Upon closer inspection, it was revealed to be

 News Archeology

Ancient Babies Reveal Unique Death Ritual

Archaeological excavations in Ecuador have revealed a unique burial ritual that involved placing the heads of deceased babies and toddlers inside larger skulls before burial.

 News Archeology

Beer brewed from 5000-year-old yeast

Archaeologists have made a fascinating discovery in Israel, proving that the Natufien people were brewing beer over 13,000 years ago. The evidence was found in

 News Archeology

13,000-Year-Old Beer Brewing Traces Found in Israel

Archaeologists from Stanford University have discovered evidence of beer-making dating back 13,000 years in the Rakefet Caves in Israel. This is the oldest evidence of

 News Archeology

Bronze Age Zinnhandel between Asia and Europe

A recent study by the University of Heidelberg has revealed that a complex trading system connected Asia and Europe over 4,000 years ago. The study

 News Archeology

Underwater Robot Reveals 1845 Shipwreck

The discovery of the HMS Terror, one of two ships that sank during the Franklin Expedition in the Arctic, has been a mystery for over

 News Archeology

Ancient Intact Shipwreck Found

Archaeologists from the University of Southampton have discovered a shipwreck in the Baltic Sea off the coast of Sweden that is almost entirely intact despite

 News Archeology

Nebra Sky Disc Reexamined

New investigations along the Adriatic coast may finally answer two important questions about the mysterious Nebra Sky Disk found in Germany. The Nebra Sky Disk