News Astronomy

Mars-Earth Data Transmission via Satellite Network

A satellite network inspired by the Wild West’s Pony Express could improve data transmission between Mars and Earth while reducing costs. Researchers at the University

 News Astronomy

China aims to suppress Starlink

China is reportedly planning to launch its own satellite constellation to counter SpaceX’s Starlink network and secure advantages in the lower orbit. The Chinese satellites

 News Astronomy

Supernova Waves Deliver Heavy Elements

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers have found isotopes in deep-sea rocks that were created by different astrophysical events. These isotopes, including rare earth metal Ytterbium,

 News Astronomy

Black Holes: Source of Dark Energy?

Astronomers may have finally discovered the source of the mysterious Dark Energy that propels the expansion of the universe. The solution could lie in supermassive

 News Astronomy

Strongest Space Explosion Detected.

The Gamma-ray burst GRB 221009A, which occurred on October 9th, 2022, has been identified as the most intense space explosion ever recorded. According to a

 News Astronomy

Blue Origin builds solar cells from moon dust

Several countries, including China and the United States, are planning to establish a permanent base on the moon in the coming years. While the NASA

 News Astronomy

Habitable Zone Twin Discovered Nearby

Astronomers have discovered a potentially habitable exoplanet, Wolf 1069b, just 31 light-years away. This Earth-like planet could potentially host life if it has an atmosphere

 News Astronomy

New AI system detects potential alien signals.

A new artificial intelligence (AI) has identified eight radio signals that do not match any known earthly or astronomical radio source. It is possible that

 News Astronomy

Rare Binary Star System Ends Soon

Astronomers have discovered an extremely rare double star system in the Milky Way that is expected to end in a Kilonova. The system, known as

 News Astronomy

Anomalous Milky Way Galaxy

The Milky Way is a massive and large spiral galaxy that is unique in its cosmic neighborhood. Scientists are still unsure why our home galaxy