News Astronomy

No Alien Signals Found Yet.

For 60 years, radio telescopes have been searching for signals from extraterrestrial civilizations. However, a recent study explains why the search has been unsuccessful and

 News Astronomy

Giant Red Devours Planet: Watched!

Astronomers have made a groundbreaking discovery by observing a red giant star devouring a planet. This event provides a glimpse into the future of our

 News Astronomy

Chinese Space Station Studies Gamma Ray Bursts

A new measuring instrument developed by scientists from Switzerland and Germany is set to explore the origins of gamma-ray bursts. The instrument, called Polar 2,

 News Astronomy

Discovery of First Star Generation Remnants

Astronomers have made a groundbreaking discovery using the Very Large Telescope (VLT) – the remains of the universe’s very first stars. These stars were vastly

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Extracting Oxygen from Moon Rocks

NASA Extracts Oxygen from Moon Rock Using Laser NASA scientists have successfully extracted oxygen from artificial moon rock using a laser. This process could be

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Dark Moon Craters Captured Sans Sunlight

NASA Camera Captures Images of Moon Craters in Shadow NASA has recently released images of moon craters and other objects that are not directly illuminated

 News Astronomy

NASA’s New Super Alloy Lasts 1,000x Longer

NASA and Ohio State University have collaborated to develop a new alloy for aircraft and spacecraft components that is significantly more durable even at extreme

 News Astronomy

First Photo of Black Hole with Jet

A group of radio telescopes has come together to create a virtual antenna the size of the Earth, capturing a joint image of the M87

 News Astronomy

Astrobiologists call for space sex debates.

The growing space tourism industry is bringing more and more people into space, prompting astrobiologists to call for a debate on sex and reproduction in

 News Astronomy

Supernovae: More Dangerous Than Thought

A recent study by NASA scientists has revealed that supernovae, or exploding stars, pose a greater threat to life on nearby planets than previously thought.