News Biology

Synced Mice: Group Living & Sleeping

New research has revealed that social interactions play a significant role in the sleep behavior of mice. Scientists have long known that social interactions can

 News Biology

Sleeping Reindeer Chew

Scientists have made a fascinating discovery about the sleep patterns of arctic reindeer. These animals live in an environment where the amount of daylight changes

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Bird-like Sleeping Behavior in Dinosaurs

Scientists have discovered a new species of dinosaur in Mongolia that sheds light on the sleeping habits of non-avian dinosaurs. The dinosaur, named Jaculinykus yaruui,

 News Biology

Unexplored Microbial Genes: Their Importance

For over two decades, scientists worldwide have contributed to uncovering the immense diversity of microorganisms that inhabit different ecosystems on our planet, from oceans and

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New Inactive Form of p38 Protein

A team of scientists led by Dr. Maria Macias and Dr. Angel R. Nebreda, both ICREA researchers at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine in

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Ötzi’s DNA: Origin, Skin, Hair

A new study by the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig and the Institute for Mummies and the Iceman of Eurac Research in

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Electric Eels Transfer Genetic Material

Electric bonefish have been found to be capable of causing electroporation in their natural environment, according to a new study by researchers at Nagoya University

 News Biology

Giant Deep-Sea Isopod Discovered

In the Gulf of Mexico, a giant sea pillbug has been discovered that is much larger than the typical pillbug. According to marine biologists, only

 News Biology

Widespread Illegal Caviar Trade in Europe

Illegal Fishing of Endangered Sturgeon Species for Caviar Continues Despite Protections. Sturgeon, one of the most endangered species on Earth, are still being illegally caught

 News Biology

Deadly Traps of Carnivorous Fungi

The fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora, found in Asia, Africa, America, and Australia, typically feeds on decaying organic matter. However, when faced with a nutrient deficiency, it