News Biology

Deep-sea Hammerheads Don’t Breathe

Hammerhead sharks are known to venture into the cold depths of the ocean in search of prey, but how they maintain their body temperature during

 News Biology

Desert Dust Feeds Ocean Life

The growth and health of phytoplankton, the foundation of the marine ecosystem, is positively influenced by even small amounts of desert dust. Phytoplankton plays a

 News Biology

Ocean Insect Population Decline

Insects are known to make up the majority of the biomass of all land animals. However, despite their abundance on land, they are surprisingly scarce

 News Biology

Hungry Plant Turns Carnivorous

The Triphyophyllum peltatum, also known as the Dreifaltigblatt, is a plant that typically undergoes photosynthesis but can transform into a carnivorous plant. Researchers from the

 News Biology

Earliest Animals Revealed by Chromosome Analysis

A new study has solved a long-standing mystery in the earliest stages of evolution, revealing which animals first developed from single-celled microorganisms. The University of

 News Biology

Multiple instances of giant dinosaur evolution

Dinosaurs from the Sauropod group developed their massive size independently multiple times. The reason why some lineages became huge while others did not is still

 News Biology

Unique Deep-Sea Bacteria Reproduction Discovered

A new species of bacteria has been discovered in the deep sea that possesses a unique method of reproduction and releases viruses to accelerate its

 News Biology

Reviving 90,000-year-old bacteria

In a groundbreaking study, researchers have reconstructed the genetic blueprint of ancient bacteria and used modern microbes to recreate them. These prehistoric biomolecules offer new

 News Biology

Earliest Ancestors of Modern Dolphins Discovered

A new species of toothed whale, Olympicetus thalassodon, has been discovered by Jorge Velez-Juarbe, a paleontologist at the National History Museum of Los Angeles County.

 News Biology

Tully Monster Mystery Solved?

The Tully-Monster, an ancient creature that lived 300 million years ago, has long been a mystery to scientists. Discovered in the 1950s in the Mazon