News Biology

Oldest Fossil of Live-Bearing Snake Found

In Germany, scientists have discovered the oldest fossil of a live-bearing snake. The snake lived 47 million years ago and was pregnant with at least

 News Biology

Fossilized Hairy Snail Found in Amber

A new species of snail with hair has been discovered in a piece of amber from Myanmar, dating back to 99 million years ago during

 News Biology

Ring prevents long-term insect bites.

Innovative 3D-printed polymer with encapsulated insect repellent promises long-term protection against mosquito and other insect bites. Researchers at Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) have developed a permanent

 News Biology

Accelerated Human Development due to Climate Change

The impact of climate change on human development has been highlighted in a new study, which suggests that extreme weather conditions in eastern Africa have

 News Biology

Ancient DNA Found in Antarctica

Scientists from the University of Tasmania and the University of Bonn have discovered the oldest marine DNA ever found in sediment cores from the deep

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2.5 Million Ants per Human

The Earth is home to approximately 20 quadrillion ants, surpassing the biomass of all wild mammals and birds combined. Biologists estimate that there are around

 News Biology

Alcohol protects wheat from drought

Alcohol Increases Wheat’s Drought Tolerance, Providing a Cheaper Alternative to Genetic Modification The University of Arkansas has conducted a study that shows that global wheat

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Remote-Controlled Insect Cyborg

In Japan, scientists at the Riken Cluster for Pioneering Research have developed an insect cyborg that can be controlled remotely and powered by solar energy.

 News Biology

Europe’s Largest Dinosaur Unearthed

In Portugal, the discovery of what is believed to be the largest dinosaur skeleton in Europe has been made. The sauropod lived approximately 150 million

 News Biology

Ancient Megalodon Preyed on Orcas

The Megalodon was a prehistoric giant shark that has been extinct for around 3.6 million years. While its exact appearance can only be speculated today,