News Biology

Less Ants with Glyphosate and Thiacloprid

The use of pesticides has long been a concern for environmentalists, and a recent study from the University of Graz in Austria has highlighted the

 News Biology

Mammoths Roamed Alaska 5,700 Years Ago

New research from McMaster University has revealed that woolly mammoths lived on the North American mainland as recently as 5,700 years ago. The study, published

 News Biology

New Dinosaur Species with Beak Found in Brazil

A new dinosaur species has been discovered in Brazil, and it’s a relative of the T-Rex. However, this dinosaur, named Berthasaura leopoldinae or “Bertha,” had

 News Biology

Self-replicating biorobots from frog cells

Xenobots, artificial life forms made from frog cells, can now reproduce on their own. These tiny biobots could potentially be used in the human body

 News Biology

River Hippos in Ancient Germany

During the last Ice Age, hippos lived in the Upper Rhine Valley between Frankfurt and Basel. Today, these warm-loving animals are only found in Africa.

 News Biology

Reviving Woolly Mammoths: Jurassic Park?

In a groundbreaking move, a team of scientists led by George Church from Harvard University has received $15 million in funding to bring the woolly

 News Biology

Ancient Stone Coral Found in Great Barrier Reef

In the Great Barrier Reef, a 430-year-old stone coral with a record diameter has been discovered. The extremely resilient Porites coral has survived around 80

 News Biology

Ocean algae produces biofuel.

Scientists from the Japan Agency for Marine Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) have discovered a single-celled marine algae in the Arctic Ocean that can produce

 News Biology

Tiny Tubes May Be Oldest Fossil

In a seemingly unremarkable rock, the remains of some deep-sea sponges could be found. If they are as old as some scientists suspect, they would

 News Biology

Chimpanzees Attack Gorillas: First Time

In a shocking discovery, scientists from the University of Osnabrück and the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology have observed large groups of chimpanzees deliberately