News Biology

Experimental Evidence of Possible Immortality

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest have found that controlling transposable elements (TEs) in DNA can significantly extend the lifespan

 News Biology

Chasing Immortality

German scientists have discovered the gene for immortality in a freshwater polyp called Hydra, which is also present in humans. The researchers from the Christian-Albrechts-Universität

 News Biology

Fog forces mosquitoes to emergency land

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have discovered why mosquitoes fly in the rain but not in fog. The reason is that the biological

 News Biology

Ape Midlife Crisis

A new study has found that chimpanzees and orangutans experience a midlife crisis, just like humans. Researchers from around the world studied over 500 primates

 News Biology

Bat with giant penis mates non-penetratively

House bats, a species of bat, have been found to have a penis so large that penetration during mating is impossible. However, researchers have now

 News Biology

Microbial World Within Plant Tumors

Agricultural crops worldwide face a persistent threat from tumorigenic agrobacteria, which give rise to devastating diseases like crown gall on various plants. These pathogens intricately

 Story Biology

Balancing Quantity and Quality in Forest Restoration

Restoring deadwood is a recognized strategy for bolstering biodiversity in forest ecosystems. However, understanding how and when wood‐inhabiting organisms colonize different types of deadwood remains

 News Biology

Chimera Monkey from Genetically Modified Stem Cells

In a significant scientific breakthrough, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) researchers have achieved the unprecedented birth of a living hybrid monkey using genetically modified stem

 News Biology

Bonobos’ Friendly Connections Offer Clues to Human Societies

In a new study, scientists observed wild bonobos in the Kokolopori Bonobo Reserve, uncovering an unexpected trait—bonobos often cooperate across groups. Unlike their chimp relatives,

 Story Biology

Roots of Plant Evolution

With a remarkable evolutionary history spanning 500 million years on Earth, plants have left an indelible mark on our planet. A novel theory posits that