News Biology

Unknown Vertebrate Regions on World Map

The world is home to an incredible variety of species, but only a small percentage of them have been scientifically described. In fact, estimates suggest

 News Biology

Deadly Bacterial Toxin Kills Eagles

A mysterious disease has been killing bald eagles since the 1990s, and now the cause has finally been discovered. The disease, called vacuolar myelopathy, causes

 News Biology

Sea snail detaches entire body

In a surprising discovery, scientists at Nara Women’s University in Japan have found that Sacoglossa sea slugs from the Elysia genus have the ability to

 News Biology

German fossils reveal domesticated dogs

New evidence suggests that the domestication of dogs may have occurred in the southwest region of Germany, specifically in Baden-Württemberg. Fossils found in the Gnirshöhle

 News Biology

Oldest Primate Fossils Unearthed

Newly discovered fossils reveal that the ancestors of humans lived on Earth at the same time as the last dinosaurs. The first forms of mammals

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Glowing deep-sea sharks found near New Zealand

Off the coast of New Zealand, scientists have discovered three species of glowing sharks, the first known sharks to exhibit bioluminescence. The physical properties of

 News Biology

Life found under 900m thick ice

In a surprising discovery, scientists from the British Antarctic Survey stumbled upon an unknown form of life during sediment sampling in the Antarctic. The team

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Bio-plastic produced by manipulated cyanobacteria.

Revolutionizing Plastic Production with Manipulated Cyanobacteria The global plastic production is expected to increase by 40% in the next decade, which is a significant concern

 News Biology

Double-Penised Nano-Chameleon Discovered

The discovery of the world’s smallest chameleon species, Brookesia nana, has been made by a team of scientists led by Frank Glaw from the Zoological

 News Biology

Giant Babies of Prehistoric Megalodon

US researchers have suggested that the offspring of the prehistoric giant shark, Otodus megalodon, were born with an astonishing size. According to the study published