News Biology

Megalodon: The Giant Shark

The Megalodon, a prehistoric shark that lived 23 to 3 million years ago, was much larger than previously thought, according to a new study by

 News Biology

Dolphins Use Tools for Hunting

Dolphins have long been a mystery to researchers due to their mysterious behavior patterns. However, through intensive observation and study, scientists have made some remarkable

 News Biology

Freshwater Crustaceans Found in Hottest Place

In the scorching hot Dasht-e Lut desert in Iran, where temperatures can reach over 80°C, scientists have discovered a new species of freshwater-dwelling crustaceans. Despite

 News Biology

11 New Emperor Penguin Colonies Discovered

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists from the British Antarctic Survey have identified eleven previously unknown colonies of emperor penguins using satellite imagery from the European

 News Biology

Neanderthals had lower pain threshold.

Modern humans and Neanderthals interbred for thousands of years, resulting in positive effects on the pain sensitivity of their offspring. Pain is transmitted through human

 News Biology

Endangered Field Hamster

The field hamster, once considered a pest to agriculture, is now one of the rarest animals in Europe. Industrial farming and habitat isolation have led

 News Biology

X-Chromosome DNA Code Decoded

In a groundbreaking development, scientists have successfully decoded a complete human chromosome using nanopore sequencing. The X chromosome, which carries numerous genetic diseases, was the

 News Biology

Mysterious Elephant Deaths in Botswana

In recent weeks, hundreds of elephants have died in a national park in Botswana, leaving government officials, scientists, and conservationists puzzled as to the cause.

 News Biology

Animals Sense Earthquakes in Advance

German scientists have investigated the phenomenon of animals predicting natural disasters, which has often been dismissed as superstition. The results suggest that the behavior of

 News Biology

Giant Tortoises Rediscovered on Galapagos

In a stunning discovery, researchers on the island of Isabela in the Pacific have found long-dead genetic material that has given hope for the resurrection