News Biology

Theoretical Immortality of Yeast Cells

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute have made a remarkable discovery about a type of yeast that can rejuvenate with every cell division, making it

 News Biology

Creating Artificial Life: Biologists’ Breakthrough

In a groundbreaking experiment, biologists at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore have successfully created artificial chromosomes in the lab. This is a significant step towards

 News Biology

Dogs rely on colors more

Dogs primarily use color information over brightness to complete certain tasks, according to new research from Russian scientists. Despite having a much poorer color vision

 News Biology

Butterflies Use Magnetic Fields

Millions of monarch butterflies migrate through North America every year between September and November, forming massive swarms that resemble dark clouds in the sky. Scientists

 News Biology

Mystery of Unknown Viruses’ DNA

French researchers have discovered a new giant virus that surpasses all previously known giant viruses. However, the researchers are puzzled because the genes of the

 News Biology

Mobile Radiation Prevents Plant Germination

A simple school experiment is raising new questions about whether mobile phone radiation may have harmful effects on humans. Plants, at least, react very sensitively

 News Biology

Dogs Steal Food in Darkness

Dogs are known for their obedience and ability to follow commands, but a recent study conducted by scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary

 News Biology

Untamable Wolves: The Reason Why

Wolf puppies have been found to be much harder to tame than their canine counterparts, and biologists have discovered why. The reason lies in the

 News Biology

Light disrupts bird mating season

New research has shown that the artificial light from street lamps and buildings in cities affects the mating season of birds. According to the study,

 News Biology

Rare Bacteria Create Tiny Gold Nuggets

In a remarkable discovery, Canadian scientists have found that a bacterium called Delftia acidovorans can transform harmful gold ions into tiny gold nuggets. The bacteria