News Biology

Plants lose insect protection in 3rd generation

In a fascinating discovery, scientists have found that plants can pass on their insect defense mechanisms to future generations through their genetic makeup. The Oenothera,

 News Biology

Weight of all life on Earth

In a groundbreaking study, researchers have recalculated the total weight of all life on Earth, revealing that previous estimates were based on flawed assumptions. Led

 News Biology

Pea Aphids Use Photosynthesis

French biologists have discovered that pea aphids are capable of producing carotenoids, a group of pigments that are typically found in plants and used for

 News Biology

Whale Skeleton Found in Peruvian Desert

Millions of years old whale skeletons have been discovered in the Ocucaje desert in Peru, where archaeologists and geologists are currently conducting excavations under high

 News Biology

Gender of Chicks Influenced by Prachtfinken

A new study conducted by Australian biologists has found that the physical condition of a mother bird does not affect the gender of her offspring.

 News Biology

Dogs Respond to Communication Intentions

Hungarian researchers have conducted a scientific study that proves dogs respond to pure communication intentions of humans. Jozsef Topal from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

 News Biology

Unique Reproduction of Sea Worm Decoded

The sea worm Megasyllis nipponica has a unique method of reproduction, where a new head is formed in the middle of its body and then

 News Biology

Mystery Whale Washes Up in New Zealand

For over 100 years, international researchers have been searching for the elusive beaked whale, of which only a few bone fragments and a sketch existed.