News Biology

Deep-sea bacteria with magnetic properties

In a groundbreaking discovery, magnetotactic bacteria have been found in the deep sea, using the Earth’s magnetic field as a “railway track” for orientation. These

 News Biology

Fossil with preserved trachea found

A unique prehistoric python with an elongated lung has been discovered in the Messel Pit near Darmstadt, Germany. The Messel Pit is one of the

 News Biology

Improved Beer Taste through Genetic Modification

Beer lovers rejoice! Researchers at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven) have developed a method to improve the taste of beer brewed in closed vessels.

 News Biology

Barnacles may reveal MH370 crash site

The search for the wreckage of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, which disappeared in March 2014 with 227 passengers on board, has been ongoing for years.

 News Biology

Giant Amphibian Found in Garden Wall

A rare discovery of a fossilized amphibian, similar in appearance to the Chinese giant salamander, has been made in Australia. The fossil was found by

 News Biology

Coral Adapts to Rising Temperatures

Palau’s coral reefs in the Pacific have adapted to climate change and higher water temperatures, but the threat of bleaching can only be prevented by

 News Biology

Europe’s ancient humans wiped out by extreme cold

New evidence suggests that an extreme cold spell occurred in Southern Europe during the early Pleistocene, leading to the depopulation of the area around 1.1

 News Biology

20-Armed Sea Creature Found Deep-Sea

A new marine creature with tentacle-like arms has been discovered in the depths of the Antarctic sea. The organism uses its extremities for both movement

 News Biology

Deep-sea robot discovers new habitat

A previously unknown habitat in the deep sea has been discovered by a diving robot under hydrothermal vents. The discovery expands our understanding of animal

 News Biology

Virgin Birth’s Genetic Cause Identified

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers at the University of Cambridge have identified the genetic cause of virgin birth, or parthenogenesis. They were able to manipulate