News Biology

Microbes Unveil Evolution’s Complex Mysteries

Asgard-Archaea: The Common Ancestor of Complex Life on Earth Prokaryotes, a group of cellular organisms that lack a nucleus, including bacteria and archaea, were the

 News Biology

Math and Genetics: Surprising Link

In a surprising discovery, researchers at the University of Oxford have found a connection between the digit sum function of number theory and a key

 News Biology

Why Humans Walk on Two Legs

A groundbreaking study has used artificial intelligence (AI) to identify the genes responsible for the modern human’s ability to walk upright. Researchers from the University

 News Biology

Decoding the Evolutionary Reasons for Masturbation

The male masturbation behavior in primates has been found to have evolved as a means of aiding reproduction and protecting against sexually transmitted infections. Masturbation

 News Biology

Rediscovery of Lost Oak Species

In a remarkable discovery, botanists have rediscovered a species of oak tree believed to be extinct in the Big Bend National Park in Texas. The

 News Biology

Bacteria produce Omega-3 without fish

Innovative Start-Up Finds Sustainable Way to Produce Omega-3 Fatty Acids Omega-3 fatty acids are widely consumed by people to prevent heart disease, high blood pressure,

 News Biology

Oldest Spider in Germany Discovered

In Lower Saxony, Germany, the oldest spider fossil in the country has been discovered. The Arthrolycosa wolterbeeki species is estimated to be 310 to 315

 News Biology

New Spider Species Found in Colombia

In the Pacific region of Colombia, one of the largest biodiversity hotspots on Earth, four extraordinary spider species have been discovered. The EAFIT University researchers

 News Biology

Double the Size: Pliosaurs vs Orcas

A recent discovery in a museum in England has challenged the previous assumption that Pliosaurs, a type of marine reptile, were only about six meters

 News Biology

Soybeans Taste Like Pork

Moolec Science, a start-up company, has developed a new method to give plant-based proteins the taste of meat. The company has genetically integrated pig proteins