News Chemistry

Garlic breath remedy found

Garlic breath can be an unpleasant experience for many people, especially during a date or business dinner. However, researchers at Ohio State University have discovered

 News Chemistry

Revolutionary Material Extracts Water from Dry Desert Air

A new material called SHCP-10 has been developed that can absorb water from the air like a sponge and release it when exposed to sunlight.

 News Chemistry

Microgel Boosts Juiciness of Plant-Based Meat

A new microgel has been developed that makes plant-based meat juicier when chewed. Researchers hope that this will increase consumer acceptance and reduce problematic meat

 News Chemistry

Toothpaste ingredient boosts electric car range.

A new electrolyte containing fluoride, a toothpaste ingredient, has been developed by researchers at the Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) in the United States. Lithium-metal batteries

 News Chemistry

Eco-Friendly Plastic for Wind Turbines

A breakthrough in the recycling of epoxy resin-based plastics has been achieved by researchers at the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa).

 News Chemistry

Toxic Chemicals Found in Paper and Bamboo Straws

To the dismay of environmentalists, plastic straws have been banned in the European Union since the beginning of 2021. In response, many people have turned

 News Chemistry

Organic Electrode Air Battery Works

In a groundbreaking development, researchers at Waseda University in Japan have successfully tested a prototype of a solid-state air battery. This new battery technology is

 News Chemistry

Water-based low-calorie butter alternative

A new alternative to butter has been developed by researchers at Cornell University in the United States. The alternative, which is made mostly of water,

 News Chemistry

Revolutionary Chemical Method for Plastic Recycling

A new chemical recycling process has been developed that efficiently breaks down plastic into its original monomer molecules, which can then be used to produce

 News Chemistry

Efficient Fuel Production from CO

A new photokatalysis system has been developed that is more efficient than natural photosynthesis. This system can convert CO2 in water into methane and hydrogen,