News Chemistry

Million Times Thinner Gold Plate

Scientists at the University of Leeds have developed a new two-layered gold material that accelerates chemical processes ten times faster than currently used nanoparticles. The

 News Chemistry

Bio-Kerosene from Plant Waste

Chinese scientists have developed a new method of synthesizing bio-kerosene from cellulose, which has a higher energy density than conventional petroleum-based kerosene. However, the production

 News Chemistry

Efficient Catalyst Produces Methanol

A new catalyst has been developed that efficiently produces methanol from CO2 and hydrogen, which can be used as a fuel. Even emissions from power

 News Chemistry

No-Fog Glass with Nanogold Coating

A new coating made of nanogold particles can prevent glass surfaces from fogging up by heating them up with sunlight. This transparent coating can be

 News Chemistry

Efficient Use of Sunlight with Aerogel Collectors

A new breakthrough in solar technology has been made by scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). They have developed a new material that

 News Chemistry

Bacteria enzymes turn algae into ethanol and plastic

The annual algae bloom in the Atlantic Ocean is becoming a growing concern due to its negative impact on the environment. The algae, which consumes

 News Chemistry

Non-freezing water innovation

Scientists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH) and the University of Zurich have developed a new nanomaterial that prevents water from

 News Chemistry

Sunlight, Water, CO2 = Kerosene

In a groundbreaking achievement, scientists from the SUN-to-LIQUID project have successfully operated a demonstration plant that produces kerosene from air using solar energy. The process

 News Chemistry

Bacteria turn CO2 into plastic and fuel

Scientists at the University of Colorado have developed a Bio-Nano hybrid that uses microbes to produce carbon-containing products such as plastic and gasoline from CO2,

 News Chemistry

Toxic Hormone Found in Baby Socks

A recent study conducted in Spain has found the presence of the dangerous hormone Bisphenol A (BPA) in baby socks. BPA is known to disrupt