News Chemistry

Hydrogen from Hydrogen Sulfide

A new process has been developed that can produce pure hydrogen from toxic hydrogen sulfide. The process is set to be tested on an industrial

 News Chemistry

E. coli bacteria create vanilla aroma

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers at the University of Edinburgh have found a way to produce vanillin, a key ingredient in the food and cosmetics

 News Chemistry

New Method Removes Hormones from Drinking Water

A new method has been developed that can remove up to 98% of micro-pollutants from drinking water. Traditional water purification and treatment technologies are unable

 News Chemistry

Transforming Plastic Waste into Kerosene

A new process has been developed by scientists at Washington State University that can turn plastic waste into airplane fuel in just one hour. The

 News Chemistry

Artificial Allomelanins Protect Against Chemicals

Researchers at Northwestern University in Evanston have created a synthetic version of allomelanin, a pigment found in nature that can filter out harmful gases and

 News Chemistry

Fuel from Air, Wind, and Water

Scientists from the University of Stuttgart and the University of Bayreuth have developed a new technology that can produce synthetic diesel and kerosene from carbon

 News Chemistry

Geothermal Water in Germany Yields Lithium

The extraction of lithium has been known to cause significant environmental damage. However, a new pilot project is exploring the possibility of economically extracting the

 News Chemistry

World Record: Fabric Thinner Than Atom

Scientists at the University of Manchester have developed the thinnest fabric in the world using a chemical process. The mesh of chain-like organic molecules is

 News Chemistry

Sustainable Electronics with Compostable Display

In a world where electronic waste is becoming an increasingly critical issue, scientists at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have developed a fully biodegradable

 News Chemistry

New Mask Disinfects Airborne Coronavirus

A new type of face mask has been developed by scientists at Northwestern University that could help to reduce the spread of COVID-19. The mask