News Economics

Bitcoin: Legal Tender in El Salvador

El Salvador made history by becoming the first country to make bitcoin legal tender, meaning that businesses are required to accept it as a medium

 News Economics

Nuclear Exit to Lower Electricity Prices

Germany’s decision to phase out nuclear power is expected to lead to a drop in electricity prices, according to a leading politician. The country’s three

 News Economics

Germany Could Save €16 Billion with Sugar Tax

A sugar tax could significantly reduce the consumption of soft drinks, saving the German economy and healthcare system €16 billion. High sugar consumption is associated

 News Economics

Ban on Production and Sale of Lab-Grown Meat

Italy Bans Production and Sale of Lab-Grown Meat Italy has become the first European country to ban the production and sale of lab-grown meat, also

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Rise of Plant-Based Foods in Germany

The trend of reducing meat consumption is gaining momentum in Germany, as more and more people are opting for plant-based foods for their health, animal

 News Economics

Renewable Energy Lowers German Electricity Prices

Germany recently shut down its last nuclear power plants, and a recent study from the Technical University of Berlin (TU Berlin) has shown that investing

 News Economics

The Future of Hydrogen Cars

BP Study Finds Hydrogen Vehicles Will Not Play Significant Role in Future Climate-Neutral Mobility A recent study by BP, one of the leading energy companies,

 News Economics

German profits soar, wages lag

The profits of companies in Germany have increased significantly more than wages, according to a study by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

 News Economics

Nuclear Power Not Economically Viable

A recent study has shown that nuclear energy is not a viable alternative to fossil fuels for reducing CO2 emissions from an economic perspective. Germany

 News Economics

Germany’s Working Life is Shortest

Germany has a lower than average working life compared to other European Union (EU) countries, prompting economists to call for an increase in the retirement