News Economics

Robots to Contribute to Pension Fund

The latest figures show that there is a huge deficit in the German pension fund. To address this issue, politicians are proposing that robots should

 News Economics

Jobless or Unhappy at Work?

The traditional notion of a high salary and a successful career being the ultimate goal in the workplace may no longer hold true for the

 News Economics

Audi CEO advocates speed limit and car-free days

Audi CEO Markus Duesmann has called for car-free days and a universal speed limit in response to the current energy crisis. Climate protection groups in

 News Economics

Wealthy Households Benefit from Gas Price Cap

Wealthy households with high gas consumption, such as villa owners with heated pools, are set to benefit the most from the German government’s planned gas

 News Economics

Cars and Co. Barely Cover Road Costs

The financial burden on drivers and road hauliers in Germany is a topic of concern, with many feeling that they are paying too much. However,

 News Economics

Germany loses billions due to labor shortage.

Germany is losing billions of euros in economic output due to a shortage of skilled workers, according to a study by Boston Consulting Group (BCG)

 News Economics

Retirement Side Hustles for Seniors

A recent study conducted by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) of the Federal Employment Agency (BA) in Germany has revealed that 15% of retirees

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Merkel’s Refugee Policy: No Migration Driver

A recent study conducted by the University of Potsdam and the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) has found that the “welcoming culture”

 News Economics

Record High Number of Millionaires

The number of dollar millionaires has reached a new record high, according to the Global Wealth Report by Swiss bank Credit Suisse. Despite the Covid-19

 News Economics

Obesity Hinders Economic Growth Globally

The global increase in obesity is not only a health concern but also a threat to economic development, with China, India, and the United States