News Economics

The Hidden Costs of Meat Consumption

The production of meat comes with high externalized costs that the public must bear. According to a study by Soil & More on behalf of

 News Economics

CO2 Tax Could Help Low-Income Households

A new study by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) has proposed an alternative use for the CO2 tax that could benefit low-income

 News Economics

Every Car Costs Society €5,000

The true cost of owning a car is much higher than most people think. On average, society pays about 5,000 euros per car per year.

 News Economics

Scientists call for meat tax.

The production of meat causes significant environmental and climate damage. Scientists are calling for the introduction of a meat tax to address this issue. The

 News Economics

Invasive Crustaceans Cause Economic Damage

Invasive species of crustaceans are threatening global ecosystems, and a recent study shows that the economy is also suffering as a result. According to the

 News Economics

Wealthiest Double Fortunes Amid Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a significant increase in social inequality, according to data from the organization Oxfam. The wealth of the world’s ten

 News Economics

Educated Germans Bike More

A recent study conducted by sociologist Ansgar Hudde from the University of Cologne has found that people with higher education levels in Germany tend to

 News Economics

Heavy Rain Threatens German Economy

Extreme rainfall is causing a decline in economic growth in wealthy countries such as the U.S.A., Japan, and Germany, according to a study by the

 News Economics

Germans Embrace Digitalization as Opportunity

The majority of people in Germany see digitalization as an opportunity, according to a study by Bitkom e.V. However, more than half of the population

 News Economics

One Third of Germans Face Poverty in Old Age

Shocking statistics have emerged from Germany, revealing that one in three employees faces the prospect of a monthly gross pension of €1,300 or less. After