News Economics

Free Shot Boosts Tips

A new study conducted by the Hochschule Fresenius in Hamburg has revealed that waiters and waitresses can receive higher tips if they offer their customers

 News Economics

Working Poor: Hartz-IV Recipients Supplementing Income

Shocking statistics reveal that in Germany, approximately 860,000 people require Hartz-IV despite being employed. The most affected group is single-parent families. The Bertelsmann Foundation conducted

 News Economics

Germany faces huge wealth loss.

Germany Faces Gigantic Wealth Loss Due to Aging Population A recent study by the IW research institute in Cologne warns that Germany is facing a

 News Economics

Declining Tax Burden in Germany

Germany’s income tax and social security burden has decreased for all income groups since 1986, according to a study by the Ifo Institute. Although the

 News Economics

German Teens Spend 70 Hours Online

German teenagers spend more than 70 hours a week on the internet, with less than a third of that time dedicated to school, university, or

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Legalizing Cannabis: Germany’s 4.7 Billion Gain

Legalizing cannabis in Germany could have a positive fiscal impact of over 4.7 billion euros per year, according to a study by Professor Justus Haucap

 News Economics

Tax Burden in Germany Decreases

According to a recent study by the ifo Institute, the tax burden on private households in Germany has significantly decreased since 1986. The study compared

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Sugar Tax Reduces Beverage Consumption

A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Cambridge has found that a sugar tax on sweetened beverages in the UK has significantly

 News Economics

Electric Cars Cheaper to Maintain

Germany has emerged as the cheapest country in Europe to own and maintain an electric vehicle (EV), according to a study by Leaseplan. The study

 News Economics

German Wealth Reaches Record High

The private wealth of Germans has reached a new record high of 7.325 billion euros in the second quarter of 2021, with the main driver