News Economics

Affordable Homeownership in Germany Today?

A recent study conducted by economists at the Institute of German Economy in Cologne has found that owning property in Germany is currently more affordable

 News Economics

Vegan vs. Omnivore: Cost Comparison

A recent study conducted by the IFPE (Forschungsinstitut für pflanzenbasierte Ernährung) has found that vegan diets can be cheaper than omnivorous diets in Germany. Despite

 News Economics

Billionaires Avoid Taxes: Wealth Tax Needed?

Billionaires are using legal gray areas, bordering on the edge of legality, to avoid paying almost no income tax. The EU Tax Observatory is calling

 News Economics

6-Figure Salary in Germany: How?

A recent study conducted by Stepstone has revealed that 6% of employees in Germany earn a salary of at least €100,000. The study analyzed the

 News Economics

Higher Gas Tax Promotes Health

The interaction between health and transportation policies has been underestimated in the past. Researchers from the RWI Leibniz Institute for Economic Research have found that

 News Economics

German Dependence on Cars

A recent study conducted by the Institute for Demoscopy Allensbach on behalf of the Association of the German Automotive Industry (VDA) has examined the importance

 News Economics

Renting Accelerates Aging Process

The conditions of one’s living space have a significant impact on the aging process, with people living in rental apartments aging faster than those in

 News Economics

50% of Germans regret buying electric cars

More than half of Germans who have purchased or leased an electric car regret their decision due to underestimated costs, particularly higher electricity prices, according

 News Economics

Top Countries Leading E-Mobility

A recent study conducted by international strategy consulting firm Strategy& has revealed which countries are best prepared for the transition to electric vehicles. The study,

 News Economics

Is Poverty a Result of Bad Choices?

A recent study conducted by researchers at Columbia University challenges the notion that financial inequality is solely the result of poor decision-making by individuals with