News Economics

Slowdown in Global Population Growth

The world’s population growth has decreased by about a third in the last 30 years, according to a study by the German Foundation for World

 News Economics

Tax for frequent flyers demanded

A small minority of frequent flyers are responsible for a significant portion of global air travel, according to a report by the British climate protection

 News Economics

Authenticity Lacking in Influencer Marketing

A recent study by Bazaarvoice has revealed that European consumers consider customer reviews to be more credible than recommendations from social media influencers. The study

 News Economics

Facebook threatens scientists with advertising

Facebook Attempts to Halt Research Project on Presidential Election Advertising Facebook has threatened to stop a research project by New York University (NYU) that investigates

 News Economics

Online Reviews: Key to Buying Decisions

Online reviews have become the most important factor for consumers when making purchasing decisions, according to a study by the German Federal Association for Information

 News Economics

Covid-19 Costs 1.5 Trillion Euros

The German Ministry of Finance estimates that the cost of Covid-19 will reach 1.446 trillion euros by the end of 2021. In response, Dietmar Bartsch,

 News Economics

Record High Private Wealth in Germany Amid Covid-19

Despite the economic uncertainty caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, private incomes in Germany have remained relatively stable. In fact, private wealth has reached a new

 News Economics

90% of Customers Influenced by Online Reviews

Online customer reviews are crucial for the success of businesses in today’s digital age. Companies are increasingly recognizing the importance of managing their online reputation

 News Economics

120 Germans receive unconditional basic income

Germany Launches Pilot Project for Universal Basic Income Germany’s Institute for Economic Research (DIW) in Berlin, in collaboration with Mein Grundeinkommen e.V., is offering a

 News Economics

Global Arms Spending Soars

The global arms race continues to escalate, with the fifth consecutive year of increased spending on weapons and military equipment. According to a study by