News Economics

Climate Change to Reduce Income in Germany

The impact of climate change on the global economy is becoming increasingly clear. A new study from the University of Cambridge has found that an

 News Economics

Graduate Starting Salaries Comparison

A recent study has revealed the average starting salaries for Bachelor’s and Master’s graduates in various industries, highlighting which fields are worth pursuing a Master’s

 News Economics

Global Air Traffic Growth Declines

The rapid growth of air travel in recent years has slowed down significantly due to economic uncertainties that prevent airlines from investing. According to the

 News Economics

High Rents Push Germans Below Poverty

The rapidly increasing rents in Germany are putting a strain on low-income households, who are spending up to 46% of their income on housing. To

 News Economics

Brain Drain of Highly Skilled Workers

The shortage of skilled workers and the emigration of highly qualified professionals is becoming a significant economic problem in many countries. Researchers have recently examined

 News Economics

CO2 Tax Required to End Climate Change: German Study

The coal phase-out in Germany is expected to lead to a drop in the price of EU CO2 certificates. However, a recent study by the

 News Economics

One in Six Packages Returned in Germany

Every year in Germany, 280 million packages are returned in online commerce, costing the retailer an average of almost 20 euros per package. Additionally, these

 News Economics

Few websites get clicks from Google.

A recent study has analyzed the sources of visitors to one billion websites. Shockingly, around 91% of the analyzed sites received no clicks from Google’s

 News Economics

Cheaper Insurance for Solid Homes

Quality pays off, not only in terms of potential building damages, which are usually lower in solid constructions than in lightweight buildings, but also in

 News Economics

Fairtrade Income Fails Poor Farmers

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Göttingen has found that Fairtrade products do not benefit the entire supply chain, as the