News Environment

Migratory Landbird Hotspots in Eastern US

Migratory Birds in North America Need More Protection During Their Stopovers Migratory birds in North America are in trouble. Their populations are declining rapidly, and

 News Environment

Mapping CO2 Levels Over 66 Million Years

A recent study has revealed that our climate system is more sensitive to fluctuations in atmospheric CO2 concentration than previously thought. The study reconstructed the

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Germany allows diesel from old cooking oil

Germany to Allow Sale of Biofuels Made from Used Cooking Oil Germany’s Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety, and Consumer Protection (BMUV)

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Climate Change – Environmental Groups Demand End of Commuter Tax Deduction

The German government is facing calls from environmental and social groups to abolish the commuter tax deduction, known as the Pendlerpauschale, due to its negative

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Riches’ Extreme Luxury Fuels Climate Change

The wealthiest 10% of the world’s population, including a large portion of Germans, are responsible for approximately half of global CO2 emissions. This is due

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LNG Worse Than Coal for Climate?

A new study conducted by Robert W. Howarth of Cornell University has revealed that burning liquefied natural gas (LNG) instead of coal in Germany may

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Tiny Creatures Break Down Plastic

Plastic pollution is a growing concern for the environment, with microplastics and nanoplastics now found in almost all ecosystems on Earth. These tiny particles, measuring

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Cruise ships pollute more than cars

Carnival Corporation’s cruise ships emit more toxic sulfur oxides than all 291 million cars in Europe combined, according to a study by Transport and Environment

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Global Impact of Landscape and Forest Fires Examined

The impact of climate change on wildfires has been a growing concern worldwide. A recent study by the University of East Anglia (UEA) has shown

 News Environment

Climate Change Threatens Beer Production

The effects of climate change are threatening the beer production in Europe, as the amount of hops and alpha acids, which are crucial for the