News Environment

Small reactors create more nuclear waste.

A new study has revealed that small modular reactors (SMRs), which are being developed in many countries as a safer and cheaper alternative to larger

 News Environment

Worms Eat Plastic and Styrofoam

In a world where plastic waste is a growing concern, scientists at the University of Queensland may have found a solution in the form of

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Stop Emissions Now to Accelerate Global Warming

A new study by scientists at the University of Washington has found that an immediate halt to all human-made greenhouse gas emissions would initially accelerate

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First 3D Map of Pacific Dead Zones

The impact of climate change on the world’s oceans has led to the creation of “dead zones” where oxygen levels are so low that marine

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1.8 Million Deaths from Polluted Air

Air pollution caused by fine particulate matter and nitrogen oxides is responsible for 1.85 million new cases of asthma in children and 1.8 million additional

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Billions in Health Benefits from Wind Power in the USA

The production of wind energy significantly reduces air pollution, leading to billions of dollars in health benefits in the United States. A recent study by

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Bacteria that eat plastic waste

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists at the University of Austin have modified a natural enzyme that allows bacteria to break down the commonly used plastic,

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Climate Change Threatens Wine and Olive Production

The Azores high-pressure system has undergone significant changes in the last century due to climate change. As a result, Spain and Portugal have experienced a

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Oil extraction more harmful than expected.

A recent study by Stanford University has revealed that the extraction of oil and gas is even more harmful to the environment than previously thought.

 News Environment

Pollution zones lower residents’ satisfaction.

Umweltzonen Improve Air Quality and Health, but Temporarily Lower Residents’ Quality of Life According to a study by the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW